“Well, you get down the fiddle and you get down the bow
Kick off your shoes and you throw ’em on the floor
Dance in the kitchen till the mornin’ light…”
Louisiana Lowry City Saturday night!
Okay so we may be the only people on earth changing up the lyrics to this classic but you have to admit it kinda works! 😉
Summer is officially here and life is getting BUSY! This past Saturday we had the chance to slow everything down and we took full advantage of it. Dan worked on a trailer and I worked in the garden for awhile on Saturday evening, then we did the chores, checked cows (which Ren is beginning to LOVE) and decided it would be the perfect night for a bonfire.
After all of the storms this spring, we had plenty of brush to burn. We gathered it all up and had a weenie roast in our backyard. Moments like this remind me how fortunate we are to live here. We sure love this place!
I quickly gathered up a goodie basket full of the necessities. Please note the necessities to any bonfire should include s’mores ingredients but unfortunately we didn’t have any in the cupboards!
But we did have whiskey and coke which I also find to be a nice treat! 😉
My “better half” loves selfies, haha!
Silly boys!
It’s almost like Christmas in July with these plates I found! Only the best at the Morans’!
I loved the sound of a crackling fire, the gentle evening breeze through the leaves, but the best sound of all was a baby’s giggle.
The sounds of a daddy tickling and baby laughing are out of this world!
The unmistakable sound of a memory in the making.
Lowry City Saturday Night
Snores are my favorite, but a coke with some extra is always a close second. : )) next time you grocery shop for snore stuff try ritz crackers, marshmallow, and reeses! Oh so yummy!
WOW! Sara I will definitely have to do that! That would be delicious! Thanks for the tip! 🙂
Love it
Thanks Cindy! 🙂