Halloween is fast approaching and I have so many projects, crafts and decor I would love to do around the house. However, all of these great ideas seem to have made it on my Pinterest board… and are nowhere to be found in my house… YET!
There is still time! I will be ready on the 31st!
Growing up, trick-or-treating was such a fun event! I remember filling pillow cases with our candy stash… PILLOW CASES! How much candy could one kid eat!? Even though it was fun to see who could collect the most candy on Halloween, I fondly remember the specific houses that gave out “special” or “non-traditional” treats. I remember getting popcorn balls, caramel apples and sugar cookies along our many stops. After all of these years, those people and their treats I remember most.
Living out in the country we don’t expect too many trick-or-treaters to be wandering about. However, I am expecting to see my favorite munchkins, my nieces and nephew, to stop by and visit! Since this will be our first year here for Halloween, I want to do something special. I am planning on doing my own “non-traditional” trick-or-treat for the kiddos.
I will transform our dining room into a witch’s kitchen with all the “poison” and “potions” needed for a fantastic trick-or-treat! Below, I have collected some ideas for snacks and treats perfect for the occasion. The kids can pick and choose what they want and create their own “spells” and “potions” during their visit. I can’t wait!
Chocolate Rats – Chocolate covered strawberries with almond eyes and black licorice tails. So spooky!
How about some used Band-Aids for a snack…
Complete with graham crackers, cream cheese and strawberry jam.
I like to call these “Hallo-weenies”
Hotdogs cut and sliced perfectly to resemble fingers. Add ketchup for blood and onions for fingernails. Looks so cool but I think I’ll be leaving the onions out of the equation for my little monsters.
And finally, this one blows my mind! Using straws and jello, you can create realistic worms! Place them in some crushed Oreos for fresh dirt worms! MMM… slimy!
If you are not already, please join me on Pinterest! I will be continuing to post some of my favorite ideas for the season!
Happy (almost) Halloween Y’all!
…Now…. only if I can find my broom…