Sunday may be my favorite day of the week! For our crazy busy little family it seems like Sunday is the only day when we can slow it all down and just be present together. And being cramped together in a tiny tractor cab helps too!
Ren and I rode along with Dan to feed hay this past Sunday.
Seriously, how did I get this lucky?! (swoon…)
It was a frigid morning so we bundled up tight and took an extra blanket for Ren. I was pretty cozy sitting hip-to-hip with my hubby, babe on my lap and coffee in hand!
And when you have a baby on your lap, you don’t have to get out and open gates! 😉
Wish I could say the cows were as toasty as we were. It was a snowy morning and they were ready for breakfast!
I always think the herd looks so pretty when it snows but at the same time I hate seeing their backs covered in snow. I know they are built for it but it still makes me shiver.
As we rode along, Ren and I practiced the word “cow” and our best “moo’s.”
We’re getting there. But he’s MUCH more interested in how to drive the tractor!
Cold or not, the ladies lined up for this farm-feast!
Ren was asleep about 20 minutes into the bumpy tractor ride. I didn’t mind! He’s so big now I don’t really get to cuddle him anymore so I made sure to enjoy every minute of it!
Nothing brings our family together like Sunday tractor rides!
Counting down the days until next Sunday,
Snow day cow feeding is my favorite!!!!
It’s a pretty sight, Sara! Thanks for stopping by my blog! 🙂